The New York City TV Festival 2019

NYCTV Festival 2019 Shorts, Scripts, TV Panels
If you have not heard about the New York City TV Festival (NYCTVF) you can be excused as this is only their second annual event. But with a possible reach of over 50 million viewers it can no longer be ignored. The festival features the best efforts of creators from around the world who want to show their works. For those who love short film this is a real treat as each show presented is actually a short ready to expand into a TV series.
Second Annual NY TV Festival
This year the New York City TV Festival will be held at the DOLBY Theater, 1350 6th Avenue in NYC on the weekend of 22nd and 23rd of November, 2019. The whole festival will be from the 19th to the 23rd as there are plenty of parties, previews, pressers, showcases, and panels for everyone to gain from this amazing experience.
This is your chance to meet and greet actors, actresses, writers, directors, merchandising companies, publicity, cinematographers, film makers, and of course those people who fund and make the shows happen. On their information site they show Disney, ABC, CBS, Hulu, Showtime, Amazon Prime, and more. It is a must be at or at least must be seen at event this fall season. You can expect to see some great show ideas and enjoy the cutting edge of technology showing off. The opportunities abound as you are surrounded by creativity. Be part of it.
You cant go wrong really because there will be something for everyone. Producers and creators, consumers and couch potatoes, get up off your various desks and comfy chairs and get on over. Fresh faces, fresh ideas, and all happening in the real center of the universe – NYC!
Watch Here for Updates to the NYC TV Festival
Watch here for updates or visit the NYCTVF website for up to the minute schedules and changes as they happen.
See you all there!