Donald Trump Will Not Die! Democrats Keep Trying!

Donald Trump Will Not Die!
Donald Trump is under attack, there is no denying that fact. With countless attacks from courts in multiple jurisdictions not stopping him, our own courts have twisted the laws to try and attach a felony on the man.
Twisting the truth to make a felony
The simple accounting question in the NY Court has been twisted in the wind by the Democratic parties mad desire to eliminate him from running against their ancient aging Biden. Their palpable fear in seeing Trump trounce Biden drives them to continue trying to find ways to thwart Trump.
The nation better divided
The Democratic Party is working hard to make sure the nation is divided and leave no one to challenge their incompetent choice for President win an election he should lose.
In 1972 the Democratic Party ignored the interference of Nixon as Nixon got the president of Vietnam to stay away from peace talks until after the election so he could win the election. At that time the then President of the USA said that rather than divide the nation he would ignore prosecution of Nixon to avoid that. So we were led to 6 years of rule by the criminal war monger Nixon.
So when Biden, who controls the judicial system claims he does not have his hands in this corruption along with the DNC (Democratic National Committee) he is outright lying.
NYC Democratic Party Town
New York, our city, is outright democrat party, the judge is outright democrat, the jury is, for what we know, democrats. But the whole thing is based on accounting and not crime. When a prosecutor brings such cases it is based on if there is a benefit to society. In this case the only benefit is to get rid of the only candidate to beat what democrats will probably choose as their candidate. This makes it purely political and nothing to do with crime or criminal intent.
Perhaps if we saw Hillary Clinton on trial for hiring foreign spies to write fictions to tarnish her opponent, and Biden bid there might be some semblance of non-partisan or show that crimes of our politicians working with foreign agencies to influence our elections might actually be a fact.