Democracy Is Alive, Democrats Are Dead

Democracy Is Alive, Democrats Are Dead
After four years of leadership with the brain dead Biden being held up by a cadre of “advisors” life long Democrats are turning away looking for alternatives.
Kamala Worked with Clintons and Obamas to Destroy the nation
The complete embarrassment of allowing the most unpopular vice-president ever to just take the lead of the party, spending 10 to 1 billions of donations, did not help. Kamala Harris was a total embarrassment as the DNC decided a real run with top Democrats debating for the Presidency should just be replaced with Harris. Worse still is that they really did that to protect the hundreds of millions of dollars Biden had in HIS war chest. After that came an election where no one has seen a woman beaten so bad by a man outside of the Olympics
Who Actually Ran the USA the last 4 years
The bare fact that all these DNC cadres lied to Americans for years that Biden was well and leading our nation while he could not even walk on a beach, ride a bike, much less lead the free world. This was a hard line to beat. Even worse that they still have not answered for whom was actually making decisions that led our nation into a debt it can NEVER get out of and funded a war against Russia pumping $170 BILLION in loans from China to do this. We did not have that money and our grandchildren will end up holding that debt.
I was born in Chicago, life long DNC voter, and then on to NYC where that same blindness continued, it is just a nightmare that this party has done the deeds it has done. I had to vote Republican. There was no other choice.
We all understand that politicians lie, cheat and steal, but this took it to a new level.
What has happened now is the Republican party is not right wing anymore, it is a popular front working for the people. Something Democrats were once known as. But the Democrats are now the party of billionaires, out spending Trump’s run for the Presidency 10 Billions to 1. Democrats are now known as radicals, foisting irrational language and mental illness as the new norms and finally ignoring the very people they are supposed to represent.