Biden – Schumer Push Ukraine and Genocide First

Biden Schumer Push Ukraine and Genocide First
You and your families are now closer to putting the Ukraine war and Israel’s genocide first as Biden and Schumer push the Senate to vote $60 billion to Ukraine wars and over $20 billion in arms to Israel for the annihilation of Palestinians. All the while even more billions are being poured into funding illegal migrants in New York city for their rooming, board, spending money, phones, while New York city has turned into a dump wrought with fear.
Only the House of Representatives can save us now, but that might only be to stop the funding for Ukraine’s war and perhaps stop the weapons flowing into Israel that are used to completely wipe out all humanity in Israel’s occupied territories.
Probable Genocide by Isreal
The International Court of Justice, the ICJ, has found it is probable that Israel is committing genocide. Anyone watching the complete destruction of the Gaza Strip can only concur that Israel wants to wipe out the whole of that occupied territory. The whole territory has been leveled with US supplied weapons. Even their famed “Iron Dome” only works with US supplied rockets. Without our weapon supply the Israelis would have to fight like real men and face to face, hand to hand, combat and could not level the area with bombs from our own F16 and F32 jets.
$32 Trillion in Debt does not stop them
The worse part of it all is we do not have the money to join in these atrocities. Right now the interest alone on our $32 TRILLION dollar debt is 120% of our GDP.
Biden Working To Expand War to Region
While Biden pays lip service to trying to reason with Israel the supplies, funding, and backing of the genocide continue. As the fear of the war spreading to other Middle East nations Biden has done its’ best to make that a reality. Extended bombing of Syria, Iraq, and the poorest nation on earth, Yemen looks more like expansion but for Biden it is show of force to show just what the USA will do if anyone steps in to stop the ethnic cleansing being carried out by Israel. Nothing can stop them now.
Ukraine War goes badly as over 120,000 Ukraine men lose their lives
The Ukraine war is not just going badly they are being crushed. Their vaunted Spring Offensive was nothing more than a grave yard for US, UK and German supplied weapons and munitions. The Ukrainians thought just firing millions of rounds of bombs and cluster munitions would win it, and it did not. Recent losses by Ukraine has caused a full retreat to try and save the few who were lucky enough not to die for their leader. If only he had the courage to implement the Minsk Accords but he was thwarted by the neo-nazis that control Ukraine. He now plays their game instead of bringing the peace he promised, if for nothing else to save his own life.