NYPD Shoot 51 Bullets into Unarmed Groom

By: Randy Penn
NYC TV Reports Groom Murdered by NYPD Police

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg announce today that there will be an investigation into the murder of a groom leaving his bachelor party.

As the latest racial undertones being fed by the media like Fox and ABC networks represented by the likes of Michael Richards we find this latest cop killing another pig in the bucket.

Police fired over 50 rounds at the groom, Sean Bell who was only 23, unarmed in a car on the early morning this last Saturday.

The police story is so full of lies that the people are going nuts in the streets. Bloomberg does not care about the subjects he rules.

Eyewitness’s who testified told a different story at the scene.

"The minivan came around the corner and smashed into their car. And they (the police) jumped out shooting," Wright, 28, told the newspaper for Monday editions. "No 'stop.' No 'freeze.' No nothing." Testified Tini Wright who was leaving the club at that same time.

Bell’s fiancée, Nicole Paultre, came by the site of the police massacre of her future husband to light candles around portraits of them with their two daughters.

The police murdered Bell at 4am Saturday night outside the Kalua Cabaret in Queens, NY. The police claim the confrontation stemmed from an undercover operation by seven police disguised as thugs. The disguise was too thin it appears.

In 1999, police killed Amadou Diallo, an unarmed immigrant from Guinea in western Africa who was shot 19 times. The four officers in that case were acquitted of criminal charges.

In 2003, Ousmane Zongo, a native of Burkina Faso in western Africa, was hit four times, twice in the back. In that case, one officer was convicted of criminally negligent homicide, but acquitted of the more serious charge of second-degree manslaughter.

Rangel said the latest shooting "reminds me of a tragedy that took place with Mr. Diallo. And we can't have that. We can't have that."

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