Libertarian Gubernatorial candidate John Clifton has called for a new independent investigation of the 9/11 disaster as it pertains to New York, and says the current Attorney General Eliot Spitzer has been completely asleep at the switch on this issue for five years. A large number of 9/11 families and organizations are dissatisfied with the 9/11 Commission Report (which focused mainly on the intelligence agencies) and feel it effectively covered up many unresolved issues.

Bill Doyle, head of the Coalition of 9/11 Families, has said flatly, "if you want to believe what they want to snow you under on like the 9/11 Commission---that's a total fallacy. The continuing cover-up is beyond belief." Families of rescue personnel are similarly upset over the government's deceptions about undisclosed toxic conditions the responders were exposed to in the weeks following the buildings' collapse, and have been seeking compensation through the courts. Clifton believes Spitzer has failed in responding to the concerns of the families, and would likely continue to if elected Governor.

"As a Libertarian, I oppose introducing force and fraud as a basis for solving problems or governing," says Clifton. "Cover-up certainly involves defrauding the public. Mr. Spitzer has self-flatteringly campaigned as being 'willing to go to bat against powerful interests.' But as New York State Attorney General, he has had unilateral authority to open his own wide-ranging investigation since 2001, as he has with nearly everything else. Why has he ducked investigating the biggest fraud of them all? Why do we have to go to internet gadflies like Alex Jones or to find people with courage to explore this area, instead of to our well-paid officials?"

By contrast Clifton has announced he would, as Governor, make challenging the federal government's official story a top priority, by insuring that the panel comprising any new inquiry would be selected by the 9/11 families and '9/11 Truth' organizations themselves, such as Scholars for 9/11 Truth, and

"Even the commission leaders, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, now openly admit they were misled by the Pentagon," notes Clifton. He also cites polls indicating well over a third of the public now believes the government was at least complicit in the destruction of the World Trade Center complex. They particularly wonder about strange elements such as the collapse of WTC building 7 (which was not hit by a plane), the stand-down of the air traffic control and air defense systems protecting the New York skies, suspicious stock trading that shorted airline stocks just prior to 9/11, and many other unanswered issues.

The slate of NY Libertarian statewide candidates are unified in calling for re-opening the 9/11 investigation, including Clifton, U.S. Senate candidate Jeff Russell, candidate for Lt. Governor Donald Silberger, and especially Chris Garvey, who has made re-opening 9/11 a leading issue in his race for Attorney General.

Clifton feels Garvey would be a vast improvement over Spitzer, because he would show restraint and avoid misusing the AG's office to do high-profile 'press release prosecutions,' ambulance-chasing or other fishing expeditions. "Many have been publicly tarred by Spitzer's recklessness, but very few found guilty," says Clifton. "He will probably bring the same self-serving style to Albany, whereas Libertarians would bring back freedom once elected. So, would you rather vote for the Party of Principle---or, for a man who has no convictions?"

NYC TV endorses John Clifton for governor. We once again firmly endorse the Libertarian candidate for Governor John Clifton and Donald Silberger

Visit the Elect Clifton Web Site

Contact: John Clifton 877-769-4014

Check out Voto Hispanico
The estimated Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2005, making people of Hispanic origin the nation's largest ethnic or race minority. Hispanics constituted 14 percent of the nation's total population. (This estimate does not include the 3.9 million residents of Puerto Rico.)
la población aproximada hispana de los Estados Unidos en la fecha de julio 1 de 2005, hace que la gente de origen hispana sea la minoría étnica mas grande de la nación o la raza más grande. Los hispanos constituyen 14 por ciento de la población total de la nación. (esta estimación no incluye los 3.9 millones de residentes de Puerto Rico)

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